Buona sera IAHC members,
Our charitable Foundation is partnering with the North Hunterdon Rotary Club (District 7475) and participating in their current raffle.
Our Foundation has been allotted 100 tickets to sell and the tickets are $20 each. Our Foundation will receive $7.30 for each ticket sold.
Raffle tickets will be available for sale starting at our January 19th meeting. Sales will continue at each monthly meeting through our meeting on May 18th and the prize drawing will take place on May 27th at 12:30 pm at the Raritan Valley Country Club.
Please consider buying some raffle tickets and/or helping us sell tickets. Tickets may be purchased at the monthly meeting or by contacting Mary Divock at 908-377-1379 or [email protected]. Checks should be made out to "ROTARY DISTRICT 7475 FOUNDATION INC."
The Italian American Heritage Club of Hunterdon County Foundation is a 501 ( c ) ( 3) tax exempt entity dedicated to providing scholarships to graduating high school seniors and to providing assistance to local charities.
Ci vediamo,
The IAHCHC Board